
Welcome! Don't know if you find what you are looking for here, but please feel free to browse around. My intent is to have some space to think things out and share my questions and comments about life from a Christian world view.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


There is this slang usage of the word “word”, indigenous to the late 20’s early 30’s crowd as far as I know. I found an online slang dictionary to help me out. It can be a statement of agreement, an affirmative response to a question, a substitute for taking an oath indicating you are telling the truth and an inquiry to the veracity of a statement.

What got me started on that?

Jesus says, in John 8: 51, “I tell you the truth, If anyone keeps my word, he will never see death!” Now that calls for two pitches for the use of “word, ”:

“Word?” (is that true?)

And “Word!” (affirmative response!)..

So what “word” is Jesus referring to? Well I went back to the beginning of the conversation that this sentence is extracted from and find Jesus making this statement in 8:12, “I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." The Greek word for word is logos. Its application can refer to a thought , a statement or a single word.

Now that statement in 8:12 can be considered a thought and the use of the logos in verse 51 may be referring back to the introductory statement.

That being said, I can only say “word!” (that’s exciting, that’s great news!) If we follow Jesus we will have the light of life! Eternal life!! But there’s more!


“Word up!”

IN John 1: 1 it says “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God. . . .” In verse 14 it says , “ And the word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.”

That means God is Divine Expression (thought reason knowledge intelligence logic etc.) In Genesis, God said “let there be light." He spoke the universe into existence!


And in John chapter one, it's basically saying that Jesus is the word of God: the spoken creative (creating out of nothing!) power of God!


Therefore, whatever Jesus says is the divine, authoritative, creative, redemptive, inspirational, power of God! What ever he says, goes! It's the Truth!

Hey kid! All I can say is “Logos!”

Thank you for being the creative force that made this world
Thank you for knowing us intimately from before we were conceived!
Thank you for coming to us in the flesh to make the “Word” available to us to be intimately known by us.


Stay close to “the Word!!”


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