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Sunday, February 20, 2011

"but I have nothing like that to give."

There are some people I run into who are so ready, so at peace, so sure of what they believe and just can't wait for the moment that their sovereign God causes them to take their last breath because they know it will mean stepping across a threshold of eternal bliss.

And then there are others like this woman. Eighty some year old individual raised by what she called a "Christian" family. Raised her family in what she considered a "Christian home" as well, taking her children to church on Sunday. At end of life she finds herself worrying about if she can get into heaven.

I just continue not to get it. How? How can that be? What was she getting fed? What was she paying attention to? Makes me want to go out and do a survey of exclusively "churched" people and ask: How do you think people get to heaven? These are statements made by folks professing to be Christians. I can understand doubts and fears coming from unbelievers.

I have heard one individual say in recent times,"I'd really like to see my kids start going to church and come to know the Lord." When I asked her what it meant to "know the Lord," she replied, "I don't really know." that was followed by a profoundly sorrowful look; like the ferry just pulled away and she was left on the dock.

Another person recently said, " I tried my best to raise my kids to believe in church." Believe in church? Ehhh?

This most recent one though was priceless. After hearing the very familiar words of John 3:16 her response was, ""but I have nothing like that to give." She thought she had to "ante up" in order to be accepted into the Kingdom of Heaven! I am bewildered. Where does that kind of theology come from?  One could argue for the fact that some of those who I end up talking with have delusional influences on their present state of mind which may be the root of their bungled theology. That might be the case in some instances but it can't be so in every single case.

Is it no wonder that we are a post Christian Culture when these kinds of things are racing through the minds of people who wear the label "Christian" ?

Questions beg to be asked to get at the root of how so many people, self proclaimed Christians, can be so ill equipped at end of life. Does the responsibility fall to the individual or to the church? or both? Has the Church done its job in the last 100 years? Where has it's focus been? What has the church collectively taught the world around it by word or deed? What can we look back on and see as it's major accomplishments in the United States? Has the culture sufficiently permeated the church that the message of the gospel has gotten lost in the archives?

I wonder how many people who have been a confessing Christian for a year or more are ready and prepared to give an explanation of the faith and hope they believe in?

So, talk to me: "what's in your wallet" so to speak? Do you believe in Christ? Do you know why you believe in Him? Do you believe in heaven? do you believe what scripture teaches arbour entry into heaven/eternal life?