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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why me? Part Deux

Wednesday, November 11, 2009 8:00 AM, EST

a letter to a friend


As a follow up to your question, "Have you ever thought, 'why me?' " I was pretty quick to answer no. But I thought about it a lot throughout the day.

I believe there are three reasons that I can so quickly give an answer of "no."

First I think I have a pretty realistic worldview that we live in a fallen world that is not perfect. Being followers of Christ does not assure us a carte blanche exemption from catastrophe, Rather, it gives us a means to cope with the problems of today looking ahead to the perfection of heaven where there will be no more catastrophes.

Second, having served two years now in hospice ministry, it gives one a very sobering perspective that anything can happen to anyone at any time. As a pastor and a chaplain, I have seen people accept that and struggle with it. Both have taught me a lot in regards to preparing me for my own catastrophe.

Finally, I can't really say that I heard God speak in terms of a real voice, but somewhere in the midst of all the events that were taking place the day of the accident, and to the best of my memory, while I was still alone in the car waiting for the sound of another human voice, I "came to understand" that this day was not to be the day I died and that there were indeed still plans for me to serve the Lord.

It makes it much easier, to accept the "bad things that happen to good people," to endure the pain, and accept the hardships, knowing full well that Jesus will not let it go to waste and better yet will use it for His Glory.

One bit of evidence to support all this is revealed in something that happened before we met for lunch. (I should have shared it at lunch.) On the way to the restaurant I had occassion to drive right down the road where the accident took place. I was running pretty early so I decided to stop in at the farm along side where my accident took place. I had been wanting to meet one of the two woman who held my hand and prayed with me before the EMT's and fire department arrived. (I had already met the other woman as she was my night nurse in rehab one night back in July) I just wanted to say thank you.

One of the farm employees saw me pull in and greeted me immediately. I told him who I was and why I was there. He was very cordial and told that he was sure the lady of the house (respecting people's privacy by not giving too many details here) would love to meet me but that she had just gotten back from having some medical tests done earlier in the morning. It "knocked her out" so to speak, He knew she was sleeping but (revealing his hand as a fellow believer), he said, "Maybe it's no accident that TODAY you decided to drop by to visit."

Well I left my phone number for her to call when she felt up to it, but clearly I got the message. Again maybe not a voice but yet a clear understanding from God, "she prayed for you, now it's your turn to pray for her."

There were several other accassions when I have driven past the farm in the last 5 weeks, but for "such a time as this" I unknowingly was led to stop by today.

. . . and the epic story of a believer's life continues to be written interwoven and intersected with the lives of other people.

"Why me?" How about, "why not me?"

Monday, November 9, 2009 5:53 PM, EST

Scattered thoughts