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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Who are you hanging around with?


Mat 9:11-12 And as Jesus reclined at table in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and were reclining with Jesus and his disciples.  And when the Pharisees saw this, they said to his disciples, "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?" But when he heard it, he said, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.


Last night I heard a report of a faith community that intentionally separates themselves from the outside world.  Not from the aspect of living in a secluded compound but more from the perspective of intentionally not socializing with those who they feel are greater sinners than themselves. They have practiced religion so well for so long that they have forgotten that they too are still sinners. 


The scripture quoted above makes a great point:  Jesus did not come to encourage the “church” of the day, He came to offer redemption and forgiveness to the lost.  And He also knew that the church was often just as lost as the unchurched.


The Scribes and the Pharisees were caught up in creating rules, following rules, judging those who couldn’t follow the rules and judging those who had not reason to know why to follow the rules.  They missed the whole point of the law. 


Along comes Jesus, fully God and fully human and seemingly upsets the applecart on protocol.  This heretic was crossing the line and spending time with what they thought were undesirable people!


But Jesus had other thoughts and designs.  He came because all were in need of grace, and because all were in need of redemption, and because all were equally important to Him.  So it was his nature to step away from the physical and spiritual boundaries of “the church” and spend time with those who otherwise might never set foot on the turf of the church.


I’ll be transparent: for the time being I have unintentionally stepped away from spending a lot of time with folks outside the church and have entered a season of intentionally working with folks inside the church to prepare them to “GO.”  I miss being “out there”.  I often thrived being “out there.”  I need to find my way back to that!


There is a satisfaction I get mingling with folks who don’t know Jesus.  I don’t categorically tell them “Turn or Burn.”  It’s not my style.   But I do want to get to know them, listen to their story, and look for opportunities to introduce them to Grace.  I want to conversationally and relationally bring those who are searching for answers into the presence of a living savior.  I’m not interested in religiously bullying people.  But I can’t foolishly wait for them to come to me. It’s most likely not going to happen.  I need to go to them.


Where is the focal point of your personal ministry?  Do you just hang around with “Churchy” people?  Do you love “Going to church” more than spending time with those who don’t have a clue who Christ is?  Can you be found having dinner with the “tax collectors”?   Your mission filed doesn’t have to be thousands of miles away.  In our day and age its right in our own back yards.