Arrived yesterday for a few days vacation on the Outer Banks. As we got out for a walk on the beach this morning, there were things that had not changed and there was much that had change. As we walked up the steps to trek over the dune to get to the beach it was much the same place where we had stayed 2 years ago. As we stepped on over to the seaward side, that's another story. We could see that the forces of nature had different intentions for the long term shape of the landscape.
I remember two years ago the owner of the rentals where we are staying came in for the weekend. He remarked that nearly 20 years ago when this group of three homes was built, the sand dunes were level with the third story decks. When we were here 2 years ago they were level with the second story decks and now after a few significant storms in 2 years, while the dunes aren’t any shorter, they are significantly eroded and about ½ the thickness from seaside to land side.
Snow fencing used to attempt to inhibit erosions is gone or battered in many areas. The remaining slats on some sections look like lonely soldiers holding their positions desperately waiting for reinforcements to come rushing over the horizon.
As we got to the end of the deck steps stepping onto the beach, it was obvious the last 6 or 8 steps were new. Waking further down the beach we saw more and more stairways to the beach missing or recently rebuilt. Then we began to see the many homes built out over the dunes that had attempted sand bagging.
The sand bags were probably much the same as what was brought in around New Orleans to do emergency repair to the levies. They are about 8 ft long and maybe 3 ft at their deepest; very intimidating to look at. I’m guessing just one would fill a heavy duty pick up truck to its capacity.
They would work well laid on a concrete surface that doesn’t sit on sand. The problem is: you have to lay them on the sand. Anything laid on the sand from concrete to pilings to boulders may be intended to be permanent but the sand gets its marching orders from the sea. The water can shift the sand around and under the bags. Nothing is safe from the sea.
And if those huge sand bags get one rip, one snag, then they become subject to the ruthless pounding surf that at first may only tear a little but with each blow from the waves the tear becomes larger and soon the bag is ripped wide open.
Boy if you want to see a real big picture of denial you could probably go to any coastal area in the world and see how people deny truth. The wise man DOES NOT build his house upon the sand!!!! Snow fencing does not help, sand bagging does not help, breakers do not help and, seawalls do not help. When the stormy seas come, they come and nothing man builds will stand the test of time. Nothing.
The rich man or the foolish man builds anyway. Why? I think because mankind has a track history of wanting to do things in defiance of the brutal truth.
So nature is a material reflection of and/or illustration of God’s truth (And go figure: He’s the one who created both )
Jesus says in Matthew 7:26: But whoever hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like the foolish man who built his house upon the sand.
There is also another scripture that comes to mind today too. It’s from Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will remain the same.
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