I’m back. . . .And I hope for a longer stay this time. It has been months since I have written reflections but moments ago I knew I needed to share some of what’s going on today.
It’s National Day of Prayer. I started the day with about 25 other individuals who were pastors and ministry leaders to start the day in prayer. That alone is a blessing . . . to be able to star tthe day in prayer for about an hour with so many other people. Among the things we prayed for, we asked that the Lord bless the day and show us how He is working in the world. Well not even 2 hours have gone by and I have been blessed twice.
The first blessing was after the prayer time. I was having some conversation with another pastor and also an individual who is a dear friend. We, the pastor and I, eventually came to realize we were planning missional events in the same neighborhood this summer. We have some dates that might coincide. I offered to join our efforts toward a common goal. I hope the conversation will continue to see how we can partner together to accomplish common victories for Kingdom work.
The second blessing happened to me just minutes ago. Our congregation rent space for a worship center at a local shopping center. It has seen several different owners over the years but there has been a gentleman who has held a custodial position here probably since he was a teenager; over twenty years I am told. He has some speech problems and other cognitive issues but can function at a level that makes him a very committed loyal reliable employee for the work he does. I have had God speak to me through the innocence of this tender spirit more than once in the nearly 5 years I have known him.
. I took today off kind of as a Sabbath day just because it is National Day of Prayer. I didn’t want to be rushed today. I wanted to be ready for worship tonight.
I was throwing some things in the back of my car for this evening when Robert ( that’s his name too) came around the corner of the building. He was a little overdressed for the weather. It was about 60 degrees out, sunny and promising to be a great day. Robert was wearing sunglasses, a toboggan hat and a winter coat. He squealed with delight as he realized he had finally found me.
I know its been months since I had seen him and quite possibly a year since we last talked. Since I took a part time job a bout 20 months ago, I have not been around the worship center much during the daytime. He was so delighted to see me he came up to me with arms wide open and embraced me with the hug of a long lost brother. I am weeping at this moment just to know how much I was missed.
“I missed you. I was worried about you!” he said in his awkward hard to understand voice. I hugged him back with all the intensity and love that I was receiving from him. “I missed you too and It is so nice to know someone is worried about me when I’m not there.” I replied. We talked for a moment and celebrated the fact that it is Spring with some “high fives” and then he was off to diligently keep to his tasks.
Thank you Lord, for giving me a hug through this child of yours today. I am blessed beyond measure. I am reassured that you often have unsung heroes, saints, praying for me. I am humbled by your Grace. Amen